Multiple Client Appointee Transfers

Pragmatic solutions for care providers & local authorities

Multiple Client Transfers

Money Carer assists care providers and local authorities with our multiple client appointee transfer facility. This is a project-managed service where we ‘hold the hand’ of our partners, resolve historical problems, and ensure the smooth transfer of appointeeships into the foundation.

Making the right strategic choice

Many care providers are struggling with securing the correct resources in order to provide core services and manage care contracts confidently.

Whilst acting as the corporate appointee may have been practical in the past, it is no longer a sensible option for many providers moving forward. Conflicts of interest, cost, risk factors and lack of experience are driving forward-thinking organisations to leverage the resources of Money Carer.

Local authorities also have difficulty in provide this non-statutory service to vulnerable community members and Money Carer work with over 110 councils to bolster their limited resources and to ensure that an important and independent money management facility is available to vulnerable people to whom they have a duty of care to safeguard.

Our Appointeeship Service

The award-winning appointeeship service from Money Carer has been provided entirely independently since we started our national social enterprise over 14 years ago in 2009.

We manage the welfare benefit and daily money management responsibilities securely for thousands of clients as a trusted national partner of the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP).

Our comprehensive case management system and banking platform enable us to our clients with choice about their money management needs. Our systems also allow the care providers who support our clients to partner with us so that we can provide convenient and secure access to certain aspects of our clients financial information to assist them in the role .

Our experience in appointeeship is second to none and we can provide the appropriate level of assistance and intervention that is practically required on a client by client basis.

We operate an ‘open door’ referral policy which means that we can work with clients from all walks of life and with varying life challenges and circumstances.

Contact Us to discuss your organisations circumstances.

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