
Protecting and Helping

84 Year Old Jim

Case Study

Jim was referred to The Money Carer Foundation (Money Carer) by a social worker working for a London Borough Council. Jim is 84 years old, lives in his own home and has been diagnosed as showing early signs of dementia.

Social services were concerned that John was vulnerable as he has very little contact with the outside world apart from the carers who support him 3 times per day in his own home. Although Jim does have a daughter they have very little communication and their relationship is strained. Jim lost his wife some years ago.

As Jim was finding it increasingly difficult to access and manage his money on a day to day basis and did not have any money management support in place (such as a close relative or friend), a member of Money Carer discussed with Jim the option of the organisation applying to become his appointee so that his benefit payments and everyday bills could be managed properly.

Although Jim had been assessed not to have the capacity to manage his finances himself the assessment did determine that had the capacity to choose how he would like to be supported in managing his day to day finances.

Jim understood that he needed help and after the daily money management service provided by Money Carer was explained to him he thought that the service would help him to worry less about paying bills and keeping on top of his day to day finances.

Upon becoming Jim’s appointee Money Carer was able to bring his care contribution arrears and other bills up to date and to ensure that Jim’s on-going bill correspondence was forwarded directly from the billing companies to Money Carer to ensure that future payments were paid on time directly by Money Carer and that any benefit entitlement issues were dealt with straight away.

As Jim is supported by a local authority commissioned care provider who support Jim with his shopping needs The Money Carer Foundation provided each of Jims two main carers with a chip and pin protected ‘Carers Expense Card’.

This facility enables Money Carer to provide ‘shopping money’ to the carers by putting an agreed amount of Jims funds on the cards each week so that his food and sundry items can be purchased on his behalf using the cards. The carers expense cards are MasterCards and as such can be used universally in the same way as any other MasterCard however they are not a credit facility and only the amount of money ‘loaded’ onto the cards by Money Carer can be spent. This helps to protect both Jim and his carers and makes shopping tasks much more convenient and flexible for the carers so that they can have more time to support Jim in other ways.

As Jims daily money management needs are taken care of The Money Carer Foundation are now helping him to arrange a supported holiday in Cornwall this December as he has not been away for a long time. Also, as Jim said he would like to make a will Money Carer arranged for a local solicitor to visit with Jim at home to discuss his options and to return again the following week to draw up the document with Jim.

Money Carer liaise regularly with the local authority, DWP and Jims care providers who represent Jim’s circle of care and Jim tells us he feels more settled knowing that he does not have to worry about going to the bank or paying his bills on time.

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