27 April 2023 Money Carer
Appointeeship, Deputyship, Carer Cards, Power of Attorney Appointeeship - FAQ's, Carer Cards - FAQ's

The Money Carer card is a designated bank card that is used by tens of thousands of carers across the UK to buy shopping and other items for clients or loved ones in a safe and secure way. The Money Carer Foundation was the organisation that came up with the concept and then launched the service in 2010 to support our own clients and their carers.

These days, hundreds of solicitors, local authorities, care providers, charities and families, trust our carer card service to support their own clients, carers and loved ones.

The success of the Money Carer card was one of the reasons why The Money Carer Foundation was selected by The Parliamentary Review in 2018 to represent best practice and innovation in the finance category.

View this video in the Money Carer YouTube channel


Tags: cards for carers, carer card, councils, Parliamentary Review, prepaid cards
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