Protecting Clients & Carers
Trusted carer status for transparency & security
Trusted Carer Status
Trusted carers are registered with us as members of our client’s secure circle of care and create a one-time Money Carer account in our secure portal.
Their trusted status enables them to access client information such as welfare benefit letters, certain bank account information and other documents that may assist carers in better supporting our mutual client whilst providing convenience and time-saving efficiencies for the carer. Trusted carers can make money requests, upload invoices and bills to be paid and send and receive secure messages via our online portal or the Money Carer smartphone app.
In addition to themselves, up to 4 more trusted carers can be nominated by either a CQC Registered Manager or another manager with an appropriate level of authority to be able to add and remove trusted carers via their own Money Carer account with ‘Primary’ administration controls.
For additional client security and auditing purposes, money requests made by carers with portal access can be set so that managers with primary access rights have to approve money requests over a certain amount before being submitted to Money Carer to make the decision. This provides an extra layer of protection and security for the client and also the care provider organisation and represents best practice with regulators.