26 April 2023 Money Carer
Appointeeship, Deputyship, Carer Cards, Power of Attorney Deputyship - FAQ's

Yes, a deputyship can be temporary. In the UK, the Court of Protection can appoint a deputy for a fixed period of time if it is deemed necessary. This is known as a “limited deputyship” and may be appropriate in situations where the person is expected to regain capacity in the near future.

For example, if an individual is undergoing medical treatment or therapy that is expected to improve their mental capacity within a set period of time, a limited deputyship may be appropriate. In this case, the deputy would be appointed for a fixed period of time and would have the authority to make decisions on behalf of the person during that period.

It is important to note that a limited deputyship may not be appropriate in all cases, and the court will consider all the evidence before making a decision on whether to grant a limited deputyship or a permanent deputyship.

In general, a permanent deputyship is more commonly granted when the person’s capacity is unlikely to improve, or if there are ongoing concerns about their ability to manage their financial and property affairs.

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Tags: court of protection, deputyship, mca 2005, relinquish, video-explainers
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