Supporting A Disabled Woman
To Start A New Life
Case Study
‘Elizabeth’ suffers with a mild mental disability and her trusting nature had already led to her experiencing financial abuse at the hands of a family member. The Money Carer Foundation had been made Elizabeth’s Appointee, freeing her from this financial abuse and ensuring her finances were properly managed.
Having met a new partner, ‘David,’ Elizabeth was moving from Scotland to Dorset to live with him. Although she was looking forward to starting a new life with David, Elizabeth wasn’t really sure about what arrangements she needed to make for her move.
Money Carer was able to ease Elizabeth’s move by arranging a joint application for Housing and Council Tax Benefit on behalf of her and David. A tenancy agreement for a flat was also sorted along with an application to receive Disability Living Allowance.
Although she was quite house proud, Elizabeth lacked the skills and mobility to keep on top of the housework in the couple’s home so Money Carer was able to arrange for increased support from the local authority. Sessions with an Occupational Therapist were also organised, to help Elizabeth learn cooking and domestic skills, further increasing her independence.
David, who also suffers from mental disability, works part time in a local charity shop. The couple enjoy meeting after he has finished work, going for coffee or ice cream and watching a movie. As this is so important to them, Money Carer manages their finances to ensure they always have enough funds to carry on doing this.
As a Mother and a Grandmother, Elizabeth’s move has taken her away from her family in Scotland. Money Carer was able to arrange travel and accomodation for Elizabeth to go to Scotland spending two weeks with her family. These arrangements included support to help Elizabeth switch trains, ensuring she got to Scotland without incident.
Elizabeth enjoyed this trip so much that Money Carer is now arranging for her and David to have a break in Scotland to celebrate their anniversary in June.