The costs involved in setting up a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) for property and affairs can vary depending on…
Does an appointee have the authority to access private bank accounts?
No, DWP appointees do not have the legal authority to access a person's private bank account unless they have been…
Can a deputyship be temporary?
Yes, a deputyship can be temporary. In the UK, the Court of Protection can appoint a deputy for a fixed…
Can the court of protection recommend a deputy?
Yes, the Court of Protection can recommend a deputy for property and finances. When an application is made to the…
Who can be a deputy for property and finances?
In general, anyone who is over the age of 18 and has the capacity to manage financial and property affairs…
Can an appointee open a high street bank account?
Yes, but it can often be quite involved and requires a personal appointment at a bank branch. Some high-street bank…
Can an appointee be nominated on a temporary basis?
The appointee can be nominated for a temporary period, for example following an accident or a short-term illness. In fact,…
Can an appointee reside overseas?
The rationale behind making someone an appointee is that they will have regular contact with the service user and their…
Can I resign as the DWP appointee?
An appointee may resign if they are no longer able to carry out the role by giving one month's written…